Saturday, October 15, 2011

"I talk to God..."

My contribution is a memory from October 2008:

Where did my toddler disappear to?  Searching the house, I entered the bathroom to find Ronan laboring away seated on the small red potty.  

Seeing me, he explained that he was in there “talking to God.”  Quite seriously he went on, “I talk to God when I’m on the toilet.”    

This unexpected response left me wondering all day long how he had decided to spend his time on the toilet praying...  Each evening we recited simple prayers together and John and I each encouraged a relationship with God; however, I did not recall recommending this practice.  

Entering the bathroom, the tones of confidentiality indicated a spirituality beyond the child's prayer I had selected for Ronan each evening from The Golden Treasury of Prayers for Boys and Girls.

Mystified by this behavior, I mentioned it to my husband, John, later in the evening.  Confession time for John: Weeks earlier Ronan kept knocking on the bathroom door and asking "Daddy, what are you doing in there?"  After repeated this demand each time Daddy was found alone in the bathroom, John changed his original explanation to “talking to God.”   

Ronan has taken this as his example of how to spend his bathroom time.

We are all special... by Stacie Wiesenbaugh


LOVE MELISSA:) said...

THis is hysterical! Praying to god. Your husband was funny for telling him this. I got to use this next time my daughter is harassing me to get off the toilet. THanks for linking up. I thought this would be a cute link up to do on Saturday. It would be memorable for the future and you can look back and laugh. Going to make this a regular feature. I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great day!!

Amber said...

This is so cute! I love it.

Jamie said...

Awww haha

I'm a new follower from the Saturday Laughs hop. :o)

For Love of Cupcakes

Jenna said...

love this. thank you for this sweet look into your family :)

Jen said...

Oh my goodness...I love this! Thanks for sharing one of your memories!

Heather {Between the Chaos} said...

Precious post! Thanks for sharing. I'm a new follower from the Laughs hop :)


Ixy said...

Seems like a reasonable explanation to me!

Allison said...

This is very sweet. Thanks!

Terry said...

Oh how I love children and the gloriuous things they say!

May said...

A little guy wanting to be like his daddy. That is sweet.

suelmayer said...

Absolutely love it!!!

Laura@Catharsis said...

Oh my goodness, this is one of the cutest things I've read in a long time! How adorable. Just talking to God. I think it's even more adorable that he got this from your husband. Finally, the truth came out!

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Ha! I love it. A multi-tasker :)