Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ronan Invites You to NEC

This week Ronan has his turn with the horses at Naples Equestrian Challenge at their inclusive riding camp.  As a toddler, Ronan would watch from the fence as Riley took his weekly riding lesson and ask week after week, "Where's my horse, Mommy?"  Now Nick and Pick A Spot can be his horse too.  Riding camp is open to regular riders, rider siblings and our friends.  He can finally be a part of this wonderful program too.

One of the wonderful moms involved with the program brought Ronan home yesterday along with her girls for a playdate.  Everybody into the pool!  Her special needs daughter, Jaclyn, was drawn to Riley.  She reached from her mothers arms to take Riley's hand.  It is not often other children wish to interact with him and the moment melted my heart.  She tried again and again to hold hands with him but discovered he allows only brief contact.  Not on purpose, but the spastic quadiplegia causes him to snatch his hand back before any real connection can be established.  It was a beautiful moment for me even though the hand holding only lasted a split second!

Today I would like to share blog posts that spoke to me:
Kidz, A Special Place for Special Needs lists issues special needs parents appreciate.
La Dulce Vida wrote an "Ode to My Sisters... You" and I would like to share with the other special needs moms who wander by my site today.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
We are all special... by Stacie

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